This is a note to all visitors to this website.
Rejuvinit beauty products have been in existence since around 1850.
Traditionally used as skincare products by our ancestors, we were asked by private clients to launch a company. In 2008 Healing Oil Products were born.
The subsequent Healing Oil Products websites were unfortunately short-lived as larger companies saw us as a threat and serious competition, repeatedly hacking our websites, destroying it for their greed and not wanting to allow people to heal, instead wishing repeat clients used to mediocre results.
And once again we got hacked due to the Rejuvinit website being an older, outdated, unupdatable version of a previously favourite website platform.
The Covid crisis, and website issues, resulted in us scaling down our business to the extent that “if someone finds us and needs us, we might oblige by selling some of our products”.
This attitude might seem rude, as rightly we have the right to be, seeing that we know how well our products work, having a track record for longer than modern pharmaceutical companies exist. We also have around 27,000 thank you notes from clients whose lives were changed by using our products.
If you are interested in becoming one of our exclusive clients, you are welcome.
Kindly contact the originator and owner, H Gibson, author of The Chronicles of Han book series with orders. Contact details on ‘Home’ page.

September 29, 2023September 29, 2023