Pet Care
Axhilirit© Oil enhances the body’s ability to heal. Treats: Open Wounds, Burns, Hot Spots, Proud Flesh, Sweet Itch, Greasy Heel, Broken Knees, Mud Fever, Rain Scald, Mange, Saddle Sores, Rope Burns, Sunburn, Warts, Thrush
Contains: Pine Oleoresin and oil, Pelargonium Graveolens, Tea Tree Oil.
Although the base ingredients have been traditionally used since before WW1 and had been researched over many years by ourselves, results vary amongst users. If no improvement in the skin condition is seen within 7 days, please discontinue use and consult with a healthcare practitioner.
Alternative therapies usually have a detoxification effect on the body. This means that any area that has had recent treatment with Cortisone or Steroid containing products, would first be detoxified before the natural properties in alternative therapies start working on the actual damage of the skin. Allow at least 7-10 days between the last treatment of cortisone/steroid products before starting natural therapies.

The Axhilirit© Oil and Ointment makes an ideal wound covering for birds, chickens and ostridges. It soothes cancer on cat’s ears and can be applied sparingly to open wounds.

Feedback: Axhilirit Healing Ointment for Cats
These are brilliant products and they work. Suchin, my cat after an operation was scratching the scar, all the vet could give her was antihistamines, not good, after 3 days of using the special ointment, no scratching and totally healed. Vera Schonberg posted to Facebook, 10 May 2013
Canine Information Pamphlet
Dogs respond extremely well to treatment with Axhilirit© products.
Eczema: Dogs with skin conditions such as eczema can be bathed in ten drops of Axhilirit© Eczema oil. The Axhilirit© Eczema oil can also be applied neat to the affected areas.
Hot Spots: Apply directly to the affected area, twice a day. Tone down on treatments to once a day until the condition has cleared up.
Dogs LOVE Axhilirit© products so please hold them for a minute or two to allow the oil to draw into the skin before you release your pet.
Treat injured dogs as indicated at the section for Horses.
Equine Information Pamphlet
Axhilirit© is an all natural product derived from plant oils. One small drop provides the full range of anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties for the accelerated care of all types of wounds, insuring that the body gets a natural kick-start to help heal itself. The oil goes into action underneath a light coating or barrier that locks out further contamination. This results in the fast forming of scabs over open skin. For faster healing, try not to remove the scab, reapply Axhilirit© over the scab until the body sheds it by itself. Continue with Axhilirit© until the hair grows back on the affected area. Long-term treatment may result in temporary hair loss around the treatment area.
Wound care:
A single application of Axhilirit© is usually sufficient in abrasions and smaller wounds, whereas larger wounds may need repeated applications.
Abrasions, small nicks and cuts:
An abrasion is when the hair and/or surface layer of the skin is removed by friction of any kind, including ropes and saddles. Apply Axhilirit© directly as it is an anti-septic in itself. Always keep a handy supply near the stable, in the car, handbag, pocket, on outrides.
Bruising and swelling of the skin and underlying tissues, usually without a break in the skin. Kicks, falls or collisions are the main causes of contusions. Gently massage Axhilirit© into the affected area to accelerate the healing process.
Puncture Wounds:
If serious, consult a veterinarian. Axhilirit© may be used after consultation to accelerate the healing process. If it is a flesh wound only, clean the area by removing as much dirt as possible. Apply Axhilirit© into the wound as deep as you can. With thorough attention and application in this way, applying Axhilirit© two to four times a day, healing will be accelerated. If it is a puncture of the hoof, soak the hoof in a strong solution of Tea Tree Oil (20 drops to 500ml water) before applying Axhilirit© straight into the hole. Leave all puncture wounds open to drain.
The most common type of wound in equines, usually caused by barbed wire. The wound edges are usually irregular, jagged and gaping, sometimes with whole sections of tissue and skin missing. If serious, or blood vessels are torn, consult a veterinarian. Clean the wound by hosing and removing hair and foreign bodies. Apply Axhilirit© liberally, covering the whole wound. If the wound has very jagged edges that need to be ‘put back together’ apply Axhilirit© and then dust the wound with an anti-biotic powder before bandaging everything together. Reapply this mix daily until the edges ‘stick’ together (usually 2-3 days). Leave the wound open after this, reapplying Axhilirit© once or twice a day. Axhilirit© usually forms a ‘plug’ over the laceration, effectively sealing out further contamination. The yellow plasma of the body might leak out from behind this plug. This is a normal reaction of the body in the healing process. To distinguish between plasma and infection, smell the yellow fluid. If it has an offensive smell, or if the area is swollen, infection might be evident and the equine might need an extra boost with antibiotic injections. Cleaning the wound with corrosive agents such as peroxide is not advised, slowing down the healing process when using Axhilirit©. Whether or not infection is evident, keep on applying Axhilirit© to the area until the body sheds the ‘plugs’ as it repairs itself. Keep on doing this until the hair grows back over the area. Most serious lacerations take two to four weeks to heal sufficiently for the equine to start work.
Lacerations of the mouth (Bitting/bite wounds/broken or removed teeth):
Sponge/rinse mouth with a solution of two drops of Axhilirit© to every 250ml water three times a day or after each stabled meal.
Proud Flesh:
When the fleshy, granulation tissue of the equine body becomes raised above the level of the skin it is called Proud Flesh. The skin cannot grow back over this, resulting in unsightly blemishes that usually need invasive surgery to remove. Axhilirit© has been found to be useful in helping to manage Proud Flesh. Apply liberally, covering all the Proud Flesh and surrounding skin with Axhilirit© once or twice a day. For stabled horses, cover the Proud Flesh with Axhilirit© Ointment or a barrier cream e.g. Zink Ointment at night. Pieces of dead tissue will slag off on a daily basis. This process might look revolting, but is mostly not uncomfortable for the equine. This is a non-invasive way of dealing with Proud Flesh as Axhilirit© heals the wound from a cellular level. Depending on the severity of the Proud Flesh and the time and effort you can spare, Axhilirit© usually shrinks new proud flesh within days in a stabled equine, treated as above. In paddock kept equines that receive attention once every few days, continue treatment with Axhilirit© whenever you can. The results will take longer, but is still effective in the long run.
Incised Wounds:
These are deep cuts with minimum damage to the flesh. If serious, blood vessels are cut, or for stitching in difficult places, consult a veterinarian. If you can bandage the wound, treat as for Lacerations. If stitches are needed, apply Axhilirit© liberally to help in the healing process. Stitching should be performed within eight hours of the accident and removed ten days later.
Saddle Sores, Broken Knees, Rope Burns, Greasy Heel, Mud Fever:
Treat as for lacerations. For old rope burns, treat as for Proud Flesh. Use Axhilirit© Ointment as a preventative barrier cream in wet conditions.
Sweet Itch, Skin Itch, Fly Bites:
Allergic reaction to insect bites. Prevention is the first option. Apply an effective fly spray as needed. Apply Axhilirit© liberally to the effected areas. Fly spray may be applied over the treated areas.
Rain Scald:
Any area on the equine effected by the elements (usually cold, wet conditions), resulting in the hair matting together with inflammatory fluid oozing from the skin. Sometimes the matted hair falls out, leaving raw, bleeding areas. First line treatment is to remove the equine from excessive conditions, providing some form of shelter. Gently wash all affected areas with a solution of Axhilirit© and lukewarm water (10drops to 1 litre), removing as much of the loose hair and infected scabs as possible. Dry the area and apply Axhilirit© until the hair grows back. If the problem is not severe, apply Axhilirit© directly to the affected areas.
A contagious fungal infection that can be transmitted to humans. Isolate the infected equine as it can be contagious for three weeks from the time of infection. Wash the infected areas with a solution of Tea Tree Oil and Axhilirit© (5-10 drops each), dry and apply Axhilirit© twice daily until the hair returns. Make sure all tack, grooming gear and blankets are disinfected to stop the infection from spreading. If the hairless areas increase in size or number after treatment, stop all medication and consult your veterinarian.
Hair loss caused by mites or lice. Use preventative measures in the form of an effective fly spray that kills ticks or dip the horse with a product indicated for the use in horses. Treat as for Ringworm.
Usually seen in hairless or non-pigmented areas. Red, swollen, peeling and bleeding skin which is sensitive to the touch can be treated with Axhilirit© or Axhilirit© Ointment. Liberally apply in the evening before stabling. Use zinc ointment as a water repellent sunscreen in the daytime.
Apply Axhilirit© liberally to warts as often as possible. Warts usually disappear within 7-10days of regular treatment.
A foul-smelling, black discharge indicates an infection in the grooves on either side of the frog and in severe cases, the frog itself. Clean out the hoof, especially the grooves and the frog. In severe cases, soak the affected feet in a strong solution of Tea Tree Oil (20 drops to 500ml water) for 5-10minutes. Dry the hoof and apply Axhilirit© liberally. You may add Axhilirit© to your normal hoof-oil for overall care.
Accelerated Hoof Growth:
Gently massage Axhilirit© into the coronary band. It helps stimulate new hoof growth.
Sinus infection:
Coat the inside of the nostrils twice a day with Axhilirit© Ointment until the condition clears up.
Muscle Aches, Joint Pains:
Use Axhilirit© in a lukewarm solution (wash) to alleviate aches and joint pains. Recommended dosage is 10 drops to 10litres of water.
Endurance, Eventing, Racing:
Add 10-20 drops of Axhilirit© to wash water to help relieve muscle fatigue and stiffness.
Axhilirit© can be used on pregnant mares. After foaling, sponge mare with a solution of Axhilirit© to reduce swelling and accelerate healing.
Painful Udder, Mastitis:
Sponge udder to reduce inflammation. Axhilirit© may be rubbed into teats. Safe to use on foals.
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